Find your Ikigai


What do you get up for every morning?


A meaningful Life

When we look for meaning ("purpose") in our lives, we often look to the big things that promise us meaning. As a result, the question of meaning can quickly overwhelm us. The "big things" can seem unattainable. How can we approach them, how can we make a start?

What is Ikigai?

Ikigai comes from Japanese. Iki 生き means "live" and gai 甲斐 "value, benefit". The word first appeared in Japanese literature in the 14th century. In today's understanding, Ikigai refers to finding fulfillment and joy in small, everyday activities. Thus, it is less about achieving a grand ultimate goal that promises bliss. In Japanese culture, the "question of meaning" is clarified along the way – often in the everyday situations of life.

The beauty of the Ikigai philosophy is that if we can find meaning in the small things, we can continuously experience moments of "meaning in life" in the everyday. These can sustain us and give us strength, even when we are challenged or unhappy.


Free Ikigai Test and Reflection

Duration: 7-8 Minutes


Have you heard about the Ikigai scandal?

In this video, Motoki explains how the Western understanding of Ikigai differs from the original Japanese meaning.


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